Vaping revolutionized smoking with its wide variety of options, ranging from low-nicotine to high and strawberry e-juice flavor to other fruity kinds. Vaping has attracted smokers of different ages.

But it also makes many parents wonder if vaping around kids is harmful. This is a common problem in households with adults who vape. The users may benefit from the process but are the children safe to inhale or get exposed to the chemicals used in the process?

Although more sophisticated in design, technology, and formulation, vaping still poses a threat to people, especially kids.

Dangers of Vaping Around Children

Here’s a look at the possible dangers of vaping around kids:

Vape refills are dangerous to the skin.

The chemical in vaping is not skin-friendly and may cause irritation to a child’s skin. Children’s skin is more sensitive than that of an adult. Adults may face the same consequence if the refilling of an e-smoking device is done haphazardly. However, the irritation can be worse for kids.

Nicotine poisoning can be fatal.

Vape flavors can get very inviting for kids. They might not be able to resist the candy and fruity flavors of the vape solution, which might tempt them to try or taste it. Drinking the solution brings life-threatening consequences.

What Adults Can Do?

Children can be quite curious, especially when seeing things that smell or look attractive. As responsible adults, there are important steps you can take to keep the children safe:

Keep the devices out of children’s reach.

You have to treat vape e-smoking devices as dangerous as other harmful devices and chemicals at home, so ensure that your kids can’t access them.

Keep the refills in a secure place.

Do not give your children reasons to get curious. Keep the refills and all devices away from them.

Choose a child-proof vape.

Vapes or e-smoking devices are more convenient because of their packaging, but you can now find cartridges that are child-proof. These are the cartridges designed in a way that kids cannot operate the device.

Be a Responsible Vaper

Vaping around children can be a health hazard. In case a child ingests liquid nicotine from refills, it is best to contact a local health center for help. Signs of nicotine poisoning include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating and drooling
  • Fast heart rate
  • Jitters and shaking
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness

Remember that adults can fall victim to nicotine poisoning too. Refilling the device requires care and attention. While refilling, make sure there is enough room to move safely to avoid spilling the refill on the skin.

Apart from being careful with handling e-smoking devices and refilling, it is best to check the device for possible leaks. Always replace your device when needed and dispose of the faulty device right away. The labels on the cartridge provide a step-by-step guide on how to dispose of the e-cigarette.

Proper segregation and disposal mean the kids cannot find them and play with them. If you have pets at home, make sure that they can’t also access the devices, including the waste.


It is not safe to vape around children. Keep the devices and chemicals away from them. You must also make them understand about the risks involved. This way, they would know what to do if they accidentally find vape instruments in your home.

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